Human-large cat (like lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars) interactions often have an aura around them. Although there are many positive components, conflict between these felines and people dominate popular media and research. Conflict with large cats most often manifest in the form of livestock attacks, retaliatory killing and conflict between different invested stakeholder groups. One extreme and most feared form of conflict is injuries and deaths of people by these cats. Although attacks on people by large cats are rare, the … Read More
Student Conference on Conservation Science — IISc, Bengaluru, Sep 27 – 30, 2018
Student Conference on Conservation Science (SCCS) – Bengaluru is the largest student conference in India, where over 500 of Africa and Asia’s brightest conservation researchers and practitioners participate. It brings together young researchers in the science and practice of biodiversity conservation. The conference facilitates interaction, encourages exchange of research ideas and methods, sharing of knowledge and experience related to conserving wildlife and helps build contacts and capacity.
As a sister conference to SCCS-Cambridge, SCCS-Bengaluru focuses on attracting student participants, primarily … Read More