Guidance Document for Non-forestry Activities in Wildlife Habitats

Intensive agriculture near a PA
Shekar Dattatri
It is mandatory that all non-forestry activities in wildlife habitats needs approval from State and National Board for Wildlife.

The Wildlife  (Protection) Act, 1972 and orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court make it mandatory for following certain procedures for taking  up any non-forestry activities in wildlife habitats. Now it is mandatory that all non-forestry activities in wildlife habitats  (within PAs and 10 km from PA boundaries), need approval from State and National Board for Wildlife (Standing Committee). In order to facilitate and guide people on the various steps to be followed for taking up non-forestry activities in wildlife habitats, a guidance document has been prepared which is enclosed for ready reference and necessary action.

Please find the attached document for download as well as the link to the MOEF website.

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