Joint Camera Trapping Between India And Bhutan Reveals 14 Tigers

A Tiger Camera-trapped in Manas

Reports from a joint camera trapping exercise in Manas were discussed between park officials of the the two countries — Manas National Park in India and the Royal Manas National Park in Bhutan. Fourteen tigers have been captured in the camera traps that scanned 650 sq km of protected area. Four tigers were “common”, ie. they were spotted in both countries. Seven tigers were male and six female, with the gender of one being difficult to ascertain. Officials from WWF and representatives from Aaranyak and ATREE, who helped with the camera trapping survey were also present. National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) member Firoz Ahmed also associated with the NGO Aaranyak said that there could be more tigers, as only three ranges were surveyed. A document prepared by WWF on Transboundary Manas Conservation said that the importance of the region for tiger conservation could not be overstated and that it was one of the greatest hopes for tiger recovery.

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