Jerdon’s Courser Species Recovery Plan Announced

One of the most threatened bird species in India; Jerdon’s Courser (Rhinoptilus bitorquatus) is endemic to the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. Its extremely elusive and nocturnal behaviour makes it difficult to conserve this cursorial bird. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and Birdlife International have classified this one of the world’s rarest bird species under Critically Endangered (CR) status.

Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) along with the Royal Society for Protection of Birds (RSPB), Universities of Cambridge & Reading and Nature Conservation Foundation (NCF) with support from Andhra Pradesh Forest Department (APFD) have been carrying out intensive research programme since 2000 and now have developed a Species Recovery Plan (SRP) to save the species from extinction.

The main purpose of the Species Recovery Plan (SRP) is to secure the long-term survival of the Jerdon’s Courser. The SRP advocates a multi-pronged approach that includes elements of research, monitoring, advocacy, conservation education, habitat management & training and funding. It clearly outlines the responsibilities and timeframes to facilitate regular monitoring and evaluation. The document lays great stress on applying the ‘precautionary principle’ wherever possible considering the critically endangered status and restricted distribution of the species. The SRP is a result of the inputs from a wide range of stakeholders including the government, NGOs, national and international scientists and members from the local community. It is therefore very inclusive and realistic document. The SRP will serve as a reference for conservation managers, policy-makers, decision-makers and from the basis of future conservation actions.

Click here to download the Species Recovery Plan (SRP).

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