Final Notification Comes Into Effect in Sigur Elephant Corridor in the Nilgiris

A tusker crosses near Masinagudi, Nilgiris
Ramki Sreenivasan
The corridor will protect the area from fragmentation and development activities

The final public notification has been issued regarding the proposed elephant corridor in the Sigur plateau of the Nilgiris District. Resort owners and private land owners have to vacate and hand over their land to the Collector immediately. Private land owners will be given adequate compensation and those living on government poramboke lands will be given alternative dwelling sites as per the Forest Dwellers Act, 2006. The proposed corridor falls within Sholur, Masinagudy, Hullathy and Kadanad villages.

The public notice along with the final order and map (from the official website of the Tamil Nadu Forest Department) is attached for download.

Also, click here to read the comprehensive report of the Expert Committee formed in pursuance of the direction of the High Court.

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