Another One Bites the Dust

Panduranga Ashrit


Chosen as 'Picture of the Week'

This is yet another in the series of unfortunate events of feral dogs killing wildlife. Dogs behaving like predators are a real threat to wildlife in many ways.

Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) is a nocturnal and very rarely seen animal. Although listed as least concern in IUCN’s red list, this is increasingly being poached, and traded illegally. Sadly, most sightings of late have been that of dead civets.

This berry and fruit-eating omnivore has a gastrointestinal tract with the power to ferment coffee beans, improving the caffeine content. This power is one of its biggest threats, as it is “bought” to produce kopi luwalk or civet coffee.

One of these Asian palm civets was found dead near Kushtagi, in Karnataka. We observed an injury on the right side of its neck and informed the forest department officials. The post mortem report has confirmed that dogs had attacked this civet, leading to its death. This is yet another in the series of unfortunate events where feral dogs are killing wildlife. Dogs behaving like predators are a real threat to wildlife in many ways.

Read more about the threats of dogs to wildlife.

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About the author

Panduranga Ashrit

Panduranga Ashrit is a naturalist and a wildlife photographer.


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