Athirappilly Hydroelectric Project in Kerala Threatens Great Hornbills

by The Hindu | The Hindu
A Great Hornbill
Ramki Sreenivasan
The state bird of Kerala is seriously threatened by the proposed hydroelectric project.

The 163-MW Athirappilly hydroelectric project proposed by the Kerala State Electricity Board could wipe out Great Hornbills from these unique low-elevation (180 m MSL) riparian forests. The Athirappilly Falls is situated on the Chalakudy river, which originates in the upper reaches of the Western Ghats. Many endangered and endemic species of flora and fauna are found in the forests of the Athirappilly-Vazhachal area. This area is the one of the few places in the Western Ghats where all four endangered Hornbill species are seen.

Local agencies such as the Chalakudy Puzha Samrakshana Samiti (CPSS) and other cultural societies are against this project. Read more about their activities here.

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