As part of a state-wide biodiversity survey in May-June 2011, Shashank Dalvi and Anup BP (post-graduate students of M.Sc wildlife biology and conservation, WCS-India & NCBS) encountered this scene in Wunstubong, E Nagaland. Led by a child who was seen holding a langur (likely Capped) tail, the students saw a woman cook the entire langur for dinner. Nagaland has lost almost all of its wildlife in similar fashion thanks to large-scale traditional hunting practices coupled with poor enforcement of wildlife laws.
The aim of the survey in Nagaland is to prioritise biodiversity-rich areas across the state and to commence conservation education programs in those sites. The government is keen to embark on a large-scale conservation initiative though the challenges of hunting and jhum cultivation seem virtually insurmountable.
Chosen as 'Picture of the Week'
Hunting for the pot is common throughout Nagaland. But what is more alarming is the widespread trade in bushmeat to cater to all strata of society in the state. Nagaland needs to take concrete steps to end this.