Dogs wreak havoc at Maidenahalli Blackbuck Reserve, Karnataka

Sandeep Das


Chosen as 'Picture of the Week'

Jayamangali reserve was set up by the Karnataka government primarily for blackbuck conservation as it has one the largest populations of blackbuck in the state. It is unfortunate that feral dogs have become a serious threat to the blackbuck's survival.

It was my first trip to Jayamangali (formerly Maidenahalli) Blackbuck Conservation Reserve in 2008. Soon after we reached I got my first glimpse of blackbuck.

Later in the day while I was trying to photograph an Indian Courser, when I heard a pack of five stray dogs chasing a blackbuck exactly like what dhole or wilddog do in the jungle. They circled the animal and were attacking the antelope from all sides. Amidst all this commotion came another bigger pack (8 dogs) and they also started chasing the buck. In moments the first pack brought the buck down and keeping one dog as a guard the first pack started a fight with the second pack. It started of with loud barks and chases and soon it entered into a serious bloody fight where the first pack, even though outnumbered by the second chased the second pack away. The dogs were not happy about my presence and the guard dog started barking and running towards my direction. Understanding the situation I ran back to our car and left the place.

Jayamangali reserve was set up by the Karnataka government primarily for blackbuck conservation as it has one the largest populations of blackbuck in the state. It is unfortunate that feral dogs have become a serious threat to the blackbuck’s survival. Feral dogs also deprive other wild predators like wolves, hyenas and jackal of their natural prey.

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About the author

Sandeep Das

Sandeep is a research scholar at Forest Ecology & Biodiversity Conservation Division of the Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi.


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