Dead Bonelli’s Eagle

Raj Dhage

Chosen as 'Picture of the Week'

Bonelli's Eagle populations have declined drastically throughout their range. In addition to persecution by hunters and pigeon fanciers, pesticides, habitat degradation, loss of prey species, and collision with powerlines are major factors contributing to their decline.

I came across this ghastly sight in Wai, in Satara district, Maharashtra, where I had gone birdwatching. Someone had tied this dead Bonelli’s Eagle to a tree. There was a deep wound on the body near the wing. My enquiries with the people nearby did not reveal who was responsible. I reported it to the forest department. The sight deeply saddened me.

Bonelli’s Eagle populations have declined drastically throughout their range. In addition to persecution by hunters and pigeon fanciers, pesticides, habitat degradation, loss of prey species, and collision with powerlines are major factors contributing to their decline.

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