A double whammy: Effects of changing temperatures and parasites on a lizard population – Bangalore, 19th June 2013

  • On:
    June 19, 2013
  • Timing:
    4:00 PM to
  • Location:
    CES Seminar Hall (Third Floor, Biological Sciences Building).

Life history and behavioral repertoire of lizards are intimately tied to thermal aspects of their environment. Increasing temperatures due to climate change, therefore, can greatly influence populations of these ectotherms. To predict the short and long-term response(s) of a side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana) population to temperature changes, I estimated phenotypic variation in preferred body temperature (Tp).Various factors that contribute to the phenotypic variation in Tp were explored. In addition, additive genetic variation available in the population with respect to Tp was estimated using controlled laboratory breeding experiment.

Results show very little heritability for Tp, while maternal effects play an important role in determining temperature preference in the next generation. The implications of these results for short and long-term responses of the population will be discussed. In second part of the talk, I will discuss effects of blood parasites on the lizard host. Finally, I will give blueprint of my future research plans related to animal communication and sexual selection in Indian Peafowl Pavo cristatus.

Speaker: Dr. Dhanashree Paranjape
Postdoctoral research associate,
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
University of California, Santa Cruz, USA.

All are cordially welcome.

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