2nd Training Programme on Wildlife Conservation — 14-23 October 2013, Dehradun

  • From:
    October 14, 2013
  • To:
    October 23, 2013
  • Location:
    Wildlife Institute of India
  • City:

The Wildlife Institute of India intends to conduct the 2nd training programme on Wildlife Conservation from 14th – 23rd October 2013. Professionals without any formal training in wildlife biology/conservation will be given preference in this training programme. The training programme will involve 5 days of class room sessions at the WII followed by a five day field visit. Applications from interested candidates must contain a copy of their resume and a brief write-up explaining their intention to participate in this training programme. Applications should reach Shri R. Suresh Kumar, Scientist-D, Department of Endangered Species Management by email (suresh@wii.gov.in) no later than 31st July, 2013.

Shortlisted candidates will be intimated about their participation in the training programme by 10th August, 2013. Participants are required to pay a sum of Rs. 15,000.00 towards the training fee.

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