The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, is one of the two pillars on which rests the fate of India’s remaining natural habitats. The government proposes to bring in amendments to this crucial legislation and has called for comments and suggestions, which need to be submitted urgently. The deadline for submissions is 1st November 2021. 

Bengaluru-based Wildlife First, an organization renowned for its deep understanding of conservation laws, has submitted a set of important suggestions to the government, which are attached in the form of a PDF here.

If you broadly agree with these suggestions and don’t have either the time or the legal knowledge to submit your own original comments and suggestions on the amendments to the FC Act, please add your signature below.

All signatures will be collated and sent / emailed as part of a Conservation India memo to Shri Sandeep Sharma, IFS, Assistant Inspector General of Forests, Forest Conservation, Division Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change at

A covering letter (below) and the attachment will accompany the signatures.

Your endorsement is vital and will help ensure that these clear-headed suggestions are taken note of by the Ministry.

Time is running out, so do this today!

Team Conservation India

Thank you for your support. This campaign is closed for now as the last date for submission is November 01, 2021



To: Shri Sandeep Sharma IFS

Assistant Inspector General of Forests

Forest Conservation

Division Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change

Indira Parayavaran Bhavan, Aliganj, Jorbagh Road,

New Delhi – 110 003



Sir: Sub: Comments / Suggestions on the proposed amendments in FCA

Ref: File No.FC-11/61/2021-FC dt. 8th October, 2021

In response to the announcement seeking comments/suggestions on the proposed amendments to the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, I/we wish to state that I/we endorse the comments and suggestions made by Wildlife First in their submission to the MoEFCC, which are attached to this email.

I/we request you to kindly ensure that these are considered appropriately.


Your signature

(Your name)

Designation if any


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