Q: I am doing my graduation in zoology and I want do wildlife conservation for my masters. I wanted to know about government colleges or universities that offer this? Also I would like to know about the job prospects after post graduation?

Asked by Ishita

Answer from Shekar Dattatri of Conservation India:

Here are a couple of options:

  1. Complete your graduation and apply for a Masters in Conservation Biology at the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) in partnership with Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Bangalore. Extra curricular knowledge of wildlife is a must to get through the interviews and selection process. Once selected, the course offers a full scholarship. After completing this course, there are employment options such as joining a wildlife research institute or conservation NGO. However, don’t expect to earn corporate salaries and perks!
  2. You can also apply for a Masters Degree course at the Wildlife Institute of India (WII), Dehra Dun.
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