Orientation workshop on the National Green Tribunal – Bangalore, June 6th 2013

  • On:
    June 6, 2013
  • Timing:
    9:30 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Location:
    The Manorama Hall
  • City:

Nature Conservation Foundation (NCF) in association with EIA Resource and Response Center (ERC) is happy to announce a one day orientation workshop on the National Green Tribunal (NGT). The National Green Tribunal (NGT) is a key move by the central government in bringing access to citizens and to voice their concerns about environment and forest preservation issues. NGT is the country’s first dedicated environmental court set up in 2010 and is seen as a unique move for better environmental protection. Mr. Ritwick Dutta, renowned environmental lawyer and an Ashoka Fellow, will deliver the key lectures. This workshop mainly focuses on NGT Act and other relevant environmental issues from a legal viewpoint.

If you are interested in participating, please register yourself at the link given below before 27th May 2013. Since the seats are limited to 40 only, selection of the participants will be based on the details provided in the registration form.

The selected participants are requested to bring their own case studies and relevant conservation issues to the workshop for discussion.

To participate in the workshop, please register here.

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